
The Intel Evo Experience

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Intel approached dentsu with a challenge – command consumer interest in a powerful new computing platform, and effectively articulate the value proposition of a premium offering.


dentsu employed id8 SPRINT – a design thinking workshop to drive big, market-shaping ideas that would help Intel Evo stand out in a competitive landscape.

16 cross-functional Intel and dentsu attendees engaged in a two-day sprint to dream big solutions and drive meaningful progress within Evo marketing initiatives.


id8 SPRINT created psychological safety where cognitively diverse stakeholders could debate, create and reach consensus around a creative vision. The process developed 50+ initial ideas, converged to a short list of 10, and finalized down to a creative platform. The Evo Experience - a cross-device showroom – was launched just a...


id8 SPRINT created psychological safety where cognitively diverse stakeholders could debate, create and reach consensus around a creative vision. The process developed 50+ initial ideas, converged to a short list of 10, and finalized down to a creative platform. The Evo Experience - a cross-device showroom – was launched just a few months later.

“id8 SPRINT helped us to get our creative juices flowing, get in the right headspace and be effective at collaborative brainstorming. I continue to be astounded by the outcomes generated by this process. Great thinking and a desire to create something magical in the market.” - Katie Lee, Creative and Experience Lead, Intel Corporation.


Dentsu is an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world’s leading organizations. Founded in 1901 in Tokyo, Japan, and now present in over 110 countries and regions, it has a proven track record of nurturing and developing innovations, combining the talents of its global network of leadership brands to develop impactful and integrated growth solutions for clients. Dentsu delivers end-to-end experience transformation (EX) by integrating its services across Media, CXM and Creative, while its business transformation (BX) mindset pushes the boundaries of transformation and sustainable growth for brands, people and society.

Dentsu, Innovating to Impact.