Julie Weitzner

EVP, Sellwin Amazon Consultancy

Julie is EVP of Growth and Partnerships at Sellwin, a strategic Amazon consultancy at Dentsu. She is responsible for growing new and existing partnerships with clients, tech partners, and key agency stakeholders.  Sellwin was launched to help clients navigate the complexity of Amazon bridging both the Advertising and Retail sides of the business.

Prior to this, she led Strategic Partnerships at eBay, partnering with advertisers to drive strategies that capitalized on first party shopper data. Prior to eBay, she ran Marketing and Sales Strategy at Dstillery, and earlier in her career, Julie spent eight years at Razorfish leading the media practice for clients like Citibank, H&R Block, Marriott Hotels, and Mercedes-Benz. Prior to Razorfish, Julie spent eight years at Verizon overseeing both the offline and online media portfolio.